Happy Valentine’s Day

(Le Mars) — When your town is named Valentines, obviously February 14th becomes a special day for the community. Such is the case for Valentine, Nebraska located in where else, but, Cherry County. Arlene Paulson serves as the post master for the Valentine postal service. She says people from all over the world will send mail, packages, and especially Valentine’s Day cards to the Nebraska community, just to get the postage cancellation stamp showing a heart.

The postal official says mail will come from all over the world to get the “Valentines postal mark”.

Paulson says Valentine, Nebraska celebrates the “love holiday” for an entire week

She says many of the townsfolk send Valentine’s cards in place of Christmas cards, and she says the mail during the month of February is of larger volume. Despite, what you may believe as to how the Nebraska town of less than 3,000 people earned its name, Paulson sets the record straight.