(REMSEN) A first-ever “Men in Dress” style show and fundraiser for the American Heart Association is being described as a huge success.
Lisa Hodgson is a member of the Plymouth/Sioux American Heart Association Committee. Hodgson reports 322 people attended the fundraiser Saturday night at the Avalon Ballroom in Remsen.
Twenty-seven male models strutted their stuff by putting on what organizers described as “a good show” for the Heart Association audience. The men were supported in their struts with music by Dave Ruden, KLEM Operations Director and Master of Ceremonies Dave Grosenheider of KLEM Radio/Powell Broadcasting Director of Sales.
According to Hodgson, the event was a huge success and totally exceeded the committee’s expectations.
Registrations are being accepted now for the Heart Walk Saturday, April 30th beginning at 10 a-m at Gehlen Catholic’s track.
The princes and princesses are Micah Loutsch; Taya Grace Delperdang; Mitchell Michael Roling; and Allie Lenz.
Walkers may register by contacting Hodgson at 546-9264.