(ORANGE CITY) — The “worst kids in the history of the world” are taking over the stage for the next two weekends in the production of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” in Orange City.
The show focuses around a family of kids named the Herdman’s, who are not well behaved, yet still asked to be a major part of their churches Christmas pageant. Well, the local church women are all miffed and that’s where the fun begins.
“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” was orginally a story written by Barbara Robinson in 1971. Robinson first published the story in McCall’s magazine before it was adapted into a book, which sold over 800,000 copies.
Six performances are scheduled for “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” as presented by The School House Company, in association with the Orange City Arts Council: tonight through Saturday and next Thursday through Saturday, December 13th-15th, all at 7pm. The show is being performed at the Orange City Town Hall.