(Le Mars) — This year downtown Le Mars is even a little more dolled up than usual thanks to
the Floyd Valley Federated Garden Club. The club was approached by the Main Street Committee to spruce up the flower pots downtown, and so they did with Christmas trees. Garden Club member Ruth Postma says the actual trees themselves are a very thrifty creation!
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/December 2012/Downtown Trees 1.mp3{/audio}
Club members then took a tree or two home and decorated them to their liking, with some
helpful suggestions and supplies from Ruth and- viola! 18 trees, each decorated a little
differently. The trees line Central Avenue, Plymouth Street and Ruth made a unique one that
sits outside Kroese and Kroese on 2nd Ave NW.
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/December 2012/Downtown Trees 2.mp3{/audio}
There’s also one outside First National Bank featuring poinsettas made of popcans!
The trees were put up with the help of the Stanton Lucky Clovers 4-Club.
Postma says The Floyd Valley Federated Garden Club keeps very busy throughout the year when they
aren’t decorating trees.
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/December 2012/Downtown Trees 3.mp3{/audio}
The club also organizes the flower show at the Plymouth County fair each year. The Garden Club
has been around for almost 20 years and the 20 to 30 group members meet once a month to keep
all their projects on track and talk gardening. The club meets the second Tuesday of every
month at the Presbyterian Church. Anyone is welcome to attend.