(Le Mars) — Plymouth County District Judge Jeff Neary handed down the sentence of 45 years to Matthew Jandreau. Jandreau was found guilty in November of burglary, kidnapping, and attempted sexual assault of an eleven year old female juvenile. Throughout the sentencing, Jandreau sat quietly. When given the opportunity to address the court, Jandreau said he is not a violent person, and that he can’t honestly say why he committed the crimes. Jandreau told the court that he wished he could go back to the evening prior to the series of crimes, and just go home, instead of choosing to become intoxicated and committing the crimes. Jandreau said “nobody cares what I have to say. I just want it to be over. I know, no matter what I say, it won’t make a difference, and I will go to prison.” Judge Neary said he
has sentenced people who have committed murder and he said “this comes dangerously close to that because of what could have happened. Neary said before delivering the 45 year sentence that he is doing so to protect the community, and he fears that there is potential for Jandreau to committing these crimes again. The family of the 11 year old female victim attended the sentencing. Jandreau’s mother who testified during the trial, did not appear at the sentencing.