Arsenic and Old Lace this Week at Postal Playhouse

(Le Mars) — The show opens this week and the 14 person cast has been working hard under the

direction of Margaret Britton and Donna Hentges to bring to life this classic script, in the 1940’s

living room of two elderly sisters.  Sisters who, according to Britton, are very charitable.

Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/February 2013/Arsenic 1.mp3{/audio}

The sisters are being played by Hilma Person and Mary Puetz, “Teddy” is being portryed by

Jeff Neary.  The show gets even more complicated when more nephews get involved, one a

theater critic played by Micheal Phipps and one who just escaped from a mental institution,

played by Larry Brangwin.  A twist on the casting for the Postal Playhouses “Arsenic and Old

Lace” performance is that the doctor whose in charge of the mental patient is being played

by a woman, but is written for a man.  This role of Dr. Einstein is being played by Donna


Britton shared that the show was done by Le Mars Community theater years ago, and 2 people

are back for a second go.

Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/February 2013/Arsenic 2.mp3{/audio}

Other cast members in the production are: Jill Martin, Dan Delperdang, Jack McDougall, Bob

Kenaley, Mel Masuen, Rob Bixenman, John Jacobson and Curt Sitzmann.  Kristy Pecks is, as

always, doing the costuming for this 1940’s piece, and will be stage managing as well.

The comedy “Arsenic and Old Lace” opens at the Postal Playhouse Friday, February 22nd and

runs nightly through Thursday the 28th, show time is 7:30. Sunday’s show, on the 24th, is a

matinee at 2pm.