Gehlen Catholic
(Le Mars) — Sunday, marked graduation day for the class of 2021 for both Gehlen Catholic School and Le Mars Community High School. Gehlen held its commencement ceremony inside the Vi Kellen Memorial Gym. 44 seniors from Gehlen Catholic received their diploma from Gehlen Catholic School Board President, Andy Schmidt. This year’s Salutatorian was Emily Klein, and the title of Valedictorian was shared by Lauren Harpenau and Rachel Langel. The guest speaker was Andy Woerdehoff.
Le Mars Community High School
(Le Mars) — Diplomas were presented to 156 seniors from Le Mars Community on what turned out to be a wonderful warm Sunday afternoon at the new stadium. Kutter Wright was selected to read his speech to his fellow classmates, and to the attending audience. Dr. Mark Iverson read the names of the seniors as School Superintendent, Dr. Steve Webner congratulated each graduating senior, and School Board Members, Scott Kommes, Angela Catton, Jane Arnold, and Jill Feuerhelm presented the diplomas.