Sitzmann Ready for Legislative Session


Travis Sitzmann of Kingsley, newly-elected to Iowa House District 13, is getting ready for the legislative session.

Sitzmann has been preparing for the job since his election in November.

What was the orientation like?

Sitzmann has been learning much from constituents in his large district.

Any particular issues he’s hearing about from his district?

The Republican House caucus has also discussed their priority issues for the upcoming legislative session.

Sitzman thinks the cell phone issue is best left to local school officials.  Sitzmann will be busy with committee work in his first year in the legislature.

The GOP will have a supermajority in the chamber

Sitzman will continue to learn all he can about the district and its issues as he prepares to represent his district.

The best way to reach Rep. Sitzmann during the legislative session is by email:

The legislature convenes on January 13.