Rep. Jeneary Ready for the Legislature




3rd District State Representative Tom Jeneary of Le Mars is preparing for anther term in the State Legislature, and he has a number of issues to address in this session.

In an interview with KLEM News, Jeneary says there are three things that the Legislature needs to address, and would require additional state funding.

One is rural hospitals.

Another is nursing home reimbursement.

A third is mental health, an issue that will continue to grow in the years ahead.

Jeneary says the state should consider reopening some state facilities in order to house more mental health patients.

Cherokee juvenile mental health facility – can house a lot more people – reopening at Mt Pleasant and Clarinda, and perhaps Glenwood. Talk about making Glenwood another veterans home.

Repurposing those facilities would not be as expensive. Money spent now will bring much benefit in the future.

The state of Iowa has taken a regional approach toward mental health delivery, but that system will cease to exist in the next fiscal year. But rather than rushing to replace it, Rep. Jeneary would rather form a task force to determine the best way forward.

Local school superintendents are asking for additional revenue to increase pay for paraeducators.

Jeneary, a retired dentist, wants to increase dental reimbursements under Title 19

Increased reimbursements would cost the state of Iowa an additional 10 million dollars a year. Jeneary says that’s a lot of money, but it pales in comparison to a current budget surplus of 9 billion dollars.

Jeneary, a Republican, represents House District 3, which includes northern Plymouth and southern Sioux Counties.