(LE MARS)–Plymouth County residents will fill an open seat on the Board of Supervisors during today’s (Tuesday’s) election.
Supervisor Gordon Greene of Le Mars did not seek re-election to the board seat with geographic boundaries that include only residents of Le Mars. Greene, a Republican, announced his plans prior to the June primary.
Le Mars banker Jack Guenthner is the Republican candidate who was unopposed in the primary and on today’s ballot.
Incumbents unopposed include District 3 Supervisor Don Kass of rural Remsen and District 4 Supervisor Craig Anderson of rural Merrill. Others are Treasurer Linda Dobson, Recorder Jolynn Goodchild and Attorney Darin Raymond, all of Le Mars.
In a non-partisan office, three people, Patricia Winter, Jeff Petersen and Sandra Fravel, are seeking two Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner positions.
The five candidates for five openings on the Extension Council are Julie Madden, Jill Utesch, Jim Jauer, Glen Hayworth and Chad Banks.
Twelve judges are listed on the ballot for a yes or no vote. They include Plymouth County residents Jeffrey Neary, a District Court Judge, and Brian Michaelson, an Associate Juvenile Judge.
At the legislative level there is one contested race that voters in eastern Plymouth County will decide. Republican Bill Anderson of Pierson and Democrat Marty Pottebaum of Sioux City are seeking the open Senate District 27 seat.
State Representative Chuck Soderberg of Le Mars who represents District 3 is unopposed as is District 53 Representative Dan Huseman of Aurelia.
Voting is from 7 this (Tuesday) morning until nine tonight.
Voters decide judicial issue
(LE MARS)–Nearly 18-thousand Plymouth County residents are registered for the fall general election. Twenty-nine-hundred of those registered chose absentee ballots to vote by mail, by going to the Plymouth County Courthouse, or at two satellite absentee voting locations .
A rural Sioux City voter is going to the polls today to determine whether three Iowa Supreme Court Justices keep their jobs.
Iowa for Freedom state Chair Bob Vander Plaats is leading a vote “no” effort. He cites a ruling in April of last year. The decision legalized gay marriage.
Vander Plaats will vote this (Tuesday) morning at 8:15 at the Hinton Community Center.
Election Day voting locations:
Polls will be open from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm on Tuesday, November 2nd.
The Plymouth County election precincts are as follows:
PRECINCT #1 Town of Akron, Portland Township Akron Library Conference Room 350 Reed St.
PRECINCT #2 Town of Craig, Grant Township, Craig City Hall
Preston Township Main St.
PRECINCT #3 Town of Struble, Elgin Township, Le Mars Public Library America Township 46 1st St. S.W.
PRECINCT #4 Town of Brunsville, Washington Township Brunsville Legion Club Johnson Township 305 Oak St.
PRECINCT #5 Town of Remsen, Town of Oyens, Remsen Library Fredonia Township, Marion Township 211 Fulton St. Meadow Township, Remsen Township
PRECINCT #6 Town of Westfield, Sioux Township Westfield Community Center
Westfield Township 215 Linden St.
PRECINCT #7 Town of Merrill, Liberty Township Merrill Civic Center Stanton Township, Plymouth Township 321 4 th St.
PRECINCT #8 Hancock Township, Perry Township Perry Township Hall C-60
PRECINCT #9 Town of Hinton, Hungerford Township Hinton Community Center Lincoln Township 205 West Main
PRECINCT #10 Town of Kingsley, Union Township Kingsley Community Center Elkhorn Township, Henry Township 207 E 1 st St. Garfield Township
PRECINCT #11 Le Mars Ward #1 Le Mars Convention Center 301 12 th St. S.E.-lower level
PRECINCT #12 Le Mars Ward #2 Le Mars Convention Center. 301 12 th St. S.E.-lower level
PRECINCT #13 Le Mars Ward #3 Le Mars Convention Center
301 12 th St. S.E-lower level
Anyone with voting questions should contact their county auditor’s office. In Plymouth County, the number if 712. 546.6100.
One dead south of Westfield on Highway 12
(WESTFIELD)–One person died in a traffic accident in western Plymouth County Monday night.
Sheriff Mike Van Otterloo reports the driver lost control of the vehicle being driven south on Highway 12. Investigators determined the driver over corrected when the vehicle dropped off the west side of the road. The vehicle rolled several times after entering the ditch.
The driver was ejected from the vehicle and died. The person’s name isn’t being released yet. Van Otterloo issued written information that it does not appear that seat belts were being used and alcohol may also have been a factor.
Authorities responded to the accident about nine Monday night after receiving a 9-1-1 call.
The sheriff’s office was assisted by Akron Police, Fire and Ambulance and the Plymouth County Medical Examiner’s office.
Ambulance crew shortages on agenda for Plymouth County Board of Supervisors
(LE MARS)–Help in emergencies will be discussed at the Plymouth County Board of Supervisors meeting today (Tuesday).
Kevin Rollins of the Plymouth County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Remsen Ambulance Director, meets with supervisors at 10:30. He’ll discuss staffing shortages for emergency responders and E-M-S standards.
At 9:45 this morning, Supervisors will get an informational update from Neal Adler of the economic development group, the Le Mars Business Initiative Corporation.
Supervisors will discuss the bridge and railroad crossing on Otter Avenue where a traffic death occurred recently. The discussion and action is at 11 this morning.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
9:30 AMDon Kass – Plymouth County Board Vice Chairman
1.Call meeting to order
2.Approve this agenda (Action)
3.Approval of prior Board meeting minutes (Action)
4.Approval of claims and payroll (Signatures)
5. Committee Reports (Discussion)
6. Old Business
7. New Business
A Open and review mail/correspondence (Discussion)
B. Open public forum (Informational)
9:45 AM Neal Adler, LBIC representative – Informational update to the Board regarding LBIC (Informational)
10:00 AMJoyce Vermeer, Director of Empowerment – Update of program (Informational)
10:30 AMKevin Rollins, EMS Board – Discuss EMS system standards and staffing issues (Discussion and possible Action)
11:00 AMBoard of Supervisors – Discuss the bridge on Otter Ave. between 140th and 150th St. (Discussion
and Action)
11:30 AMTom Rohe, Plymouth County Engineer
(Action Items)
1. Permit-Northwest REC-Sec 30/31 America Twp on C-38
2. Permit-CT Communications for Qwest Communications-Sec 27/28 Perry Twp
3. Permit-CT Communications for Qwest Communications-Sec 34/35 Hungerford Twp
(Discussion Items)
(Informational Items)
Update on construction projects
Theatre project is Council agenda item
(LE MARS)–Le Mars City Council members today (Tuesday) will be asked to support a project to bring a movie theatre back to downtown Le Mars.
The more than 700-thousand dollar project for the closed Royal T III Theatre includes a request for city funds of 150-thousand dollars.
A Park Committee recommendation for two changes in the City of Le Mars Willow Creek Golf Course Bar and Grill contract with Mike Fiddelke of Orange City is on the agenda
The Council is slated to receive the annual auditor’s report on Floyd Valley Hospital. The report follows a presentation by Denman and Company to Hospital Trustees earlier in the day.
The Council may also set a hearing date for comments from the public on plans to transfer city right of way near Lally’s Eastside Restaurant.
The noon meeting is open to the public at City Hall. The Council is expected to close a portion of the meeting to the public to discuss Collective Bargaining.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2010, 12:00 P.M.
LEONARD______, IHRKE_______
2. “Thumbs Up” Award
All items listed under “Consent” Agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on those items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council votes on the motion.
1.Approval of October 19, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes
2.List of Bills for Period Ending 10/31/10
3.Interfund Transfer Resolution/Prepay SRF Loans
1. Floyd Valley Hospital Audit Report
2.Offer to Buy City Right-of-Way
3.LBIC Request
4.STP Capital Project – Business 75 North Storm Sewer/Intakes Project
5.Willow Creek Bar and Grill – Lease
6.Rezoning – JR’s Addition
2.City Administrator/Public Works Director
3.Assistant City Administrator
1.Pending/Imminent Litigation
2. Collective Bargaining
Next Resolution No. 10-45
Next Ordinance No. 890
Le Mars City Council Meeting
Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 12:00 P.M.
Mayor Kirchoff presided. Present: Ihrke, Knapp, Rexwinkel, Leonard. Absent: Nelson.
NOTE: A hearing was held regarding rezoning JR’s Addition from R (Rural District) to R-1 (Residential District) and no oral or written objections were received.
Rexwinkel moved, Ihrke seconded the first reading of Ordinance No. 889 Amending Zoning Districts be approved. On Roll Call: Ayes: Leonard, Knapp, Rexwinkel, Ihrke. Nays: None.
Leonard moved, Rexwinkel seconded that the following items be approved under the “Consent Agenda.” On Roll Call: Ayes: Knapp, Ihrke, Leonard, Rexwinkel. Nays: None.
-Regular meeting minutes of October 5, 2010.
-List of bills for period ending 10/15/10.
-Monthly Financial Statement for September 2010.
-Wells’ Dairy Inc. to install new fiber in City alley from former Tech Center to new Visitor Center with Staff to determine exact location.
-Resolution No. 10-43 adding street light.
-Park Committee recommendation for Tennis Court rules be approved as amended.
-Five (5) recommendations as listed to address the parking/traffic concerns along First Avenue SE.
-Resolution No. 10-44 establishing “Loading/Unloading Zone” be adopted.
Knapp moved, Ihrke seconded November 16, 2010 at 12:00 P.M. be established as the date and time for public hearing on updating the long term lease with Weinberg Investments, Inc. regarding Floyd Valley Apartments, Ltd. On Roll Call: Ayes: All present. Nays: None.
Knapp moved, Ihrke seconded the monthly maintenance contract with T.J. Templeton, dba Le Martian Studios at a cost of $1,000 per month be approved as amended. On Roll Call: Ayes: All present. Nays: None.
Rexwinkel moved, Ihrke seconded City Staff be directed to continue to educate the public on the value of recycling and to retain weekly trash pickup beginning January 1, 2011. On Roll Call: Ayes: Rexwinkel, Ihrke. Nays: Knapp, Leonard. Motion failed.
Knapp moved, Leonard seconded trash and recycling be picked up every other week beginning January 1, 2011 with a quarterly review and that extra dumpsters be placed in convenient locations for excess trash. On Roll Call: Ayes: Knapp, Leonard. Nays: Rexwinkel, Ihrke. Motion failed.
Ihrke moved, Leonard seconded to enter Closed Session under Iowa Code Section 21.5j where the disclosure of the discussion to purchase real estate would be to the disadvantage of the City. On Roll Call: Ayes: Rexwinkel, Knapp, Ihrke, Leonard. Nays: None.
Rexwinkel moved, Ihrke seconded to move out of Closed Session. On Roll Call: Ayes: All present. Nays: None.
Ihrke moved, Leonard seconded to enter Closed Session under Iowa Code 21.5c concerning a matter that is presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation. On Roll Call: Ayes: Rexwinkel, Knapp, Ihrke, Leonard. Nays: None.
Rexwinkel moved, Ihrke seconded to move out of Closed Session. On Roll Call: Ayes: All present. Nays: None.
Ihrke moved, Leonard seconded to enter Closed Session under Iowa Code Section 20.17 (3) concerning Collective Bargaining where negotiating sessions and strategy meetings of public employers shall be exempt from the provisions of Chapter 21, open meetings. On Roll Call: Ayes: Rexwinkel, Knapp, Ihrke, Leonard. Nays: None.
Rexwinkel moved, Ihrke seconded to move out of Closed Session. On Roll Call: Ayes: All present. Nays: None.
Ihrke moved, Rexwinkel seconded the meeting be adjourned at 3:35 P.M.
Beverly Langel, City ClerkDick Kirchoff, Mayor
November 2, 2010
List of Bills for Period Ending 10/31/10 Item No.
Attached is the list of bills for the period ending 10/31/10.
Approval of bills for the period
ending 10/31/10.
(No Roll Call)
November 2, 2010
Interfund Transfer Resolution/Prepay SRF Loans
Item No.
The Finance Committee met and is recommending transfers as shown in the attached Resolution for the 2010-2011 budget year. The Finance Committee is also recommending the City prepay some of the outstanding sewer and water SRF Loans as funds allow.
Staff Recommendation:
Council Finance Committee and Staff recommend Council approval.
Financial Impact:
These transfers will account for the expenditures properly and within the appropriate fund. Water and Sewer Fund balance will be used to prepay some SRF Loans currently at 3% interest.
Motion adopting Resolution No. _______ making certain interfund transfers for the
2010-2011 fiscal year and authorizing staff to prepay SRF Loans.
(Roll Call)
November 2, 2010
Floyd Valley Hospital Audit Report
Item No.
Denman & Company, L.L.P. will be at the Council meeting to present the Le Mars Floyd Valley Hospital Audit Report for the year ended June 30, 2010.
A copy has been provided separately.
NOTE:Please return your Audit Report to City Hall.
(FVH would like reports returned to them.)
Motion accepting the Floyd Valley Hospital Audit Report for the year ended June 30, 2010.
(No Roll Call)
November 2, 2010
Offer to Buy City Right-of-Way
Item No.
Mr. Tom Mullally has offered to purchase City right-of-way (2nd Ave NE) by Lally’s Eastside Restaurant. The need to research utilities, easements and to notify adjacent property owners for alternative access has been accomplished.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends Council establish public hearing to consider any and all other proposals to buy this right-of-way.
Financial Impact:
The purchase price is zero; however, the City will save long term operation, maintenance and repair costs and the right-of-way will return to taxable property.
Motion adopting Resolution No. ______ establishing December 7, 2010 at 12:00 P.M. as the date and time for Public Hearing on the proposed Offer to Buy City Right-of-Way in the Ten Block of 2nd Avenue NE, and any and all other offers received by 12:00 P.M. on December 1, 2010.
(Roll Call)
November 2, 2010
LBIC Request
Item No.
Attached is a request letter from Mr. Neal Adler, Director of LBIC, who will be present at the meeting to discuss the request.
Staff Recommendation:
Will be available at the meeting.
Financial Impact:
Will be available at the meeting.
Motion (approving) (denying) the LBIC’s request to support the Theatre Project in the amount of $150,000 in the form of a forgivable loan (or grant) as presented (or as amended).
(No Roll Call)
November 2, 2010
STP Capital Project – Business 75 North Storm Sewer/Intakes Project
Item No.
Attached are an Engineer’s Statement of Completion and Owners Acceptance of Contract Construction for the STP Capital Project Business 75 North Storm Sewer/Intakes Project, from Bryan Wells of DGR as completed by Godbersen-Smith Construction Co., Ida Grove, IA.
Staff Recommendation:
To approve project as fully completed and accept the work.
Motion (accepting) (rejecting) the STP Capital Project, Business 75 North Storm Sewer/Intakes Project, as fully completed by Godbersen-Smith Construction Co., Ida Grove, IA and as recommended by DGR.
(No Roll Call)
November 2, 2010
Willow Creek Bar and Grill – Lease
Item No.
The Park Committee has reviewed and negotiated the Lease and Liquor Service Agreement for calendar year 2011 for the Willow Creek Bar and Grill at the Golf Course with Mr. Mike Fiddelke.
The two primary changes is the annual rent reduced from $30,000 to $24,000 and the requirement to be open a minimum of 24 hours per week is eliminated. The facility will be open for scheduled events and rentals. The remainder of the Agreement is the same as calendar year 2010.
Motion approving a one (1) year “Lease and Liquor Service Agreement” for the Willow Creek Bar and Grill with Mr. Mike Fiddelke of Orange City, Iowa and authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute same.
(No Roll Call)
November 2, 2010
Rezoning – JR’s Addition
Item No.
At its October 19, 2010 meeting, the Council held a public hearing regarding rezoning JR’s Addition from R (Rural District) to R-1 (Residential District) and approved the first reading of the Ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Commission considered the rezoning at their October 4, 2010 meeting and the Commission is recommending the rezoning.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve the rezoning.
Motion approving the second reading of Ordinance No. 889 Amending Zoning Districts.
(Roll Call)
(and, if desired)
Motion waiving the third reading of Ordinance No. 889 Amending Zoning Districts.
(Roll Call)
Motion adopting Ordinance No. 889 Amending Zoning Districts on its second reading.
(Roll Call)
November 2, 2010
Closed Session – Pending/Imminent Litigation
Item No.
It is recommended that the Council enter Closed Session to discuss Pending/Imminent Litigation.
Motion to enter Closed Session under
Iowa Code 21.5c concerning a matter
that is presently in litigation or where
litigation is imminent where its
disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation.
(Roll Call)
Motion to move out of Closed Session.
(No Roll Call)
November 2, 2010
Closed Session – Collective Bargaining
Item No.
It is recommended that the Council enter Closed Session to discuss Collective Bargaining
Motion to enter Closed Session under Iowa Code Section 20.17 (3) concerning Collective Bargaining where negotiating sessions and strategy meetings of public employers shall be exempt from the provisions of Chapter 21, open meetings.
(Roll Call)
Motion to move out of Closed Session.
(No Roll Call)
Pheasant opener is a success
(LE MARS)–Hunters who chose cover areas near harvested fields in Plymouth and Cherokee Counties brought many pheasants home from Saturday’s opener.
Pheasant numbers are down again this year in Iowa, but farmers’ progress helped hunters. That’s the view of Chad Morrow of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
Department of Natural Resources biologists estimate about one-third of the pheasants harvested will be from hunting the first two weekends of the season.
Hunters need one garment that’s 50 percent blaze orange. All the hunters Morrow had contact with were in his words, “doing real well with the blaze orange requirements.” He reminds hunters to be 200 yards from houses, livestock, or occupied buildings.
Plymouth County Jurors MUST report today
(LE MARS)–November Jurors WILL NEED to report for jury duty today ( Tuesday, November 2nd.) Please check in at the Plymouth County Clerk of Courts office, 3rd floor of the Plymouth County Courthouse at 8:30 am.
Finalists named for Yankton College’s president
YANKTON, S.D. (AP) A search committee has named three finalists for the presidency of Mount Marty College in Yankton.
They are The Rev. Timothy Backous, headmaster of St. John’s Preparatory School in Collegeville, Minn.; Craig Columbus, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Grove City College in Pennsylvania; and James Loftus, a vice president at St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa.
Five candidates were invited to campus in October. The three finalists will be interviewed by the Board of Trustees on Nov. 12. If the board deems one of them suitable for the job, the group will make a recommendation to the Sacred Heart Monastery Council.
The private Catholic college with more than 1,100 students is looking for a successor to James Barry, who announced his resignation in March.
(Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Culver, Branstad make final push before election
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) The candidates for governor, Democrat Chet Culver and Republican Terry Branstad, toured the state, making a last pitch on key issues such as taxes, spending and jobs before Tuesday’s election.
Culver, who’s seeking a second term, traveled by train Monday, starting in Davenport and ending in Des Moines.
The Quad-City Times reports Culver says it’s an example of the results he has achieved, referring to a $230 million federal grant for an Amtrak connection between Chicago and Iowa City.
Branstad, who’s trying to regain the job he held for four terms from 1983 to 1999, flew across the state, starting in Ames and ending in the Des Moines suburb of Urbandale.
The Gazette says Branstad told supporters “help is on the way” after four years of government scandals, budget mismanagement and overspending by Culver’s administration. HIGHWAY EXTENSION-IOWA
Federal money awarded for Iowa highway extension
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) Iowa is getting about $470,000 in federal money to extend a highway in the Cedar Rapids area.
Members of Iowa’s congressional delegation said Monday that the money will go to build a four-lane, seven-mile extension of Highway 100. It also will be used to upgrade 2.5 miles of U.S. Highway 151.
The money comes from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration.
Sen. Tom Harkin says the improvements “will reduce congestion and improve traffic flow.”
Man found bleeding under Iowa City bridge, dies
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) Police in Iowa City say a man found bleeding under a bridge has died.
The Gazette newspaper reports that Iowa City police say they’re investigating the man’s death. Police say someone called Monday morning to say a man was unconscious and bleeding from the head under the Highway 6 bridge on the bike trail. Authorities say the man wasn’t riding a bicycle.
The man later died at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Police say they don’t expect foul play. The man’s identity was withheld pending notification of relatives.
1 dead in Waterloo house fire
WATERLOO, Iowa (AP) Waterloo police say one person has died in a house fire.
The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier reports that a citizen reported flames coming from a residence on Monday afternoon. Waterloo Fire Rescue workers extinguished the blaze and found a deceased person inside. Police say the identity of the person is being withheld pending autopsy results. The autopsy is planned for Tuesday.
Authorities say the cause of the fire hasn’t been determined.
Iowa man found not guilty of attempted murder
TOLEDO, Iowa (AP) Jurors in Tama County have found a rural Iowa man who represented himself at his trial not guilty of attempted murder and other, lesser charges.
The Times-Republican in Marshalltown reported Monday that 36-year-old Jason Harriman of rural Traer had been accused of assaulting his ex-wife and using a knife to cut her throat. The trial lasted five days.
Tama County Sheriff’s deputies arrested Harriman in September 2009 after an incident between Harriman and his 30-year-old former wife, Dawn Harriman.
Information from: Times-Republican, https://www.timesrepublican.com FLOOD FUNDING-IOWA
Iowa to spend $10 million on flood mitigation
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) Iowa officials say they’ll use about $10 million in federal grant money on projects that they say will manage runoff and mitigate future flood damage.
Iowa received an $84.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in August. Officials say they’ll use $10 million of that money on watershed demonstration projects aimed at reducing flood damage and on educational programming.
Rebuild Iowa executive director Ron Dardis says the state now has the money to protect Iowans from future disasters.
The Iowa Flood Center will oversee the watershed pilot projects, which will test things like soil’s highest water holding capacity from precipitation.
Applications available for Iowa energy assistance
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) Alliant Energy says Iowans should know that applications are now being taken for energy assistance to help pay for winter heating bills.
Alliant Energy says Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program agencies are taking applications. Payments are dependent on household size, income level and home energy costs. The goal is to help households that meet eligible guidelines. Alliant encourages its customers to check if they’re eligible now and apply if they qualify.
Alliant officials say Iowa residents can apply at the local county energy assistance agency between Monday and April 1 of next year.
(Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
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