Celebrating Success in Plymouth County 4-H

Lizzy Koele (above)  and Katie Connor received the 4-H “I Dare You” awards.



The new Plymouth County 4-H County Council members were installed during the Plymouth County 4-H Recognition Program Sunday at the Le Mars Convention  Center.


(LE MARS)–Plymouth County 4-Hers and those who help them are being honored.

The 4-H program’s membership growth places the Plymouth County program in third place for 4-Hers. The first and second place honors go to the metro counties of Scott and Polk.

In Plymouth County, Union Livewires grew 88 percent to earn first place in club recruitment. Second place went to Union Vikings with 57 percent growth. The top two are followed by Classy Clovers with 38 percent growth, Perry Pals with 31 percent and Fredonia Country Cub with 30 percent.  Plymouth County’s 4-H program has more than 500 members.

The High School Juniors to receive the “I Dare You Award” are Lizzy Koele of the Stanton Lucky Clovers and Katie Connor of the Classy Clovers. According to Extension Program coordinator Carol Schneider,  Koele  wrote that healthy living plays a major role in her every day life and 4-H has encouraged her to make health  a priority. Extension Program coordinator Carol Schneider recognized Koele and Connor.


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Plymouth County Youth Coordinator Ann Schoenrock honored Lorraine DeJong with the “Leader of the Year” award.


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Schoenrock announced the Plymouth County Pork Producers group is the Partner in 4-H award winner.


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Also at the Plymouth County 4-H Recognition Program Sunday afternoon, State  4-H Council member Matt Nelson honored Wayne and Julie Beitelspacher of rural Le Mars as 4-H Hall of Fame members from Plymouth County. The Beitelspachers first received the honor during the State Fair