(Le Mars)–You’ve probably seen her work around Le Mars. Bob’s Drive Inn, St. Joe’s, The Foster Park Carousel Gazebo, The Postal Theater and the Round barn now located at the Fairgrounds, are just a few examples of Jane Schultz’s LeMars scenes that you’ll see around town and on postcards.
Jane says she got started in art by watching a relative do oil paintings.
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{audio}images/stories/mp3/December2010/Jane 1.MP3{/audio}
She further explains why she settled on watercolor instead of oils.
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{audio}images/stories/mp3/December2010/Jane 2.MP3{/audio}
Jane grew up in Le Mars and when she and her husband moved back to town in the ’70’s, she was surprised to see her subject matter chance from flowers and landscapes to architecture .
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{audio}images/stories/mp3/December2010/Jane 3.MP3{/audio}
Over the years Jane has done quite a bit of commissioned work painting the homes and barns of many people in the area.
Every artist has a different creative process, Jane explains hers.
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{audio}images/stories/mp3/December2010/Jane 4.MP3{/audio}
When looking at her work you can see that she plays with scale, color and shadow to make things more whimsical than a plain photograph would express.
Jane has now been working with watercolor since 1974. In her 35 years of painting she has taken many workshops to develop her talent. She guesses her lifelong body of work is nearing the one thousand mark. Jane’s current project is a series of 5 pictures for St. John’s Lutheran Church.
If you want to see or buy any of her pictures, she has a studio in her home and is up for visitors anytime, as long as you call ahead. To see some of Jane Schultz’s work, log onto KLEM1410.com.