Home News Stroke Screening Tuesday

Stroke Screening Tuesday

(LE MARS) — What do more than 750,000 Americans experience every year?  A stroke. 

According to the National Stroke Association, 80 percent of all strokes may be preventable,

with proper attention to medical risk factors.  Floyd Valley Hospital and Northwest Iowa

Diagnostics provide stoke screenings every month at the hospital, the next one is coming up

this Tuesday, November 15th.   Community Health Education Assistant Kari Daale tells us what

3 things the screenings include.

Listen here
{audio}images/stories/mp3/November2011/Stroke Screening.mp3{/audio}

All 3 screenings can be done for a cost of $95, or they can be done individually for $40. 

The screenings are non-invasive with no pain, as they use Doppler ultra sound technology. 

Appointments are necessary and do fill up fast.  Call 546-3401 to make an appointment. 

Times are from noon to 2:15 on Tuesday. 

Think you’re too young for a stroke screening?  One third of all stroke victims are under

the age of 65.  If you are at high risk for stroke due to family history or because of

controllable risks like smoking, obesity or high cholestorol, early screening is
