Jandreau Sentenced To 45 Years
(Le Mars) — Plymouth County District Judge Jeff Neary handed down the sentence of 45 years to Matthew Jandreau. Jandreau was found guilty in November of burglary, kidnapping, and attempted sexual assault of an eleven year old female juvenile. Throughout the sentencing, Jandreau sat quietly. When given the opportunity to address the court, Jandreau said he is not a violent person, and that he can’t honestly say why he committed the crimes. Jandreau told the court that he wished he could go back to the evening prior to the series of crimes, and just go home, instead of choosing to become intoxicated and committing the crimes. Jandreau said that “nobody cares what I have to say. I just want it to be over. I know, no matter what I say, it won’t make a difference and I will go to prison.” Judge Neary said he has sentenced people who have committed murder and he said “this comes dangerously close to that because of what could have happened”. Neary said before delivering the 45 year sentence that he is doing so to protect the community, and he fears that there is potential for Jandreau to committing these crimes again. The family of the 11 year old female victim attended the sentencing. Jandreau’s mother who testified during the trial, did not appear at the sentencing.
Hospers Elementary Schools Placed On Lockdown
(Hospers) — The Sioux County Sheriff’s Office received a complaint that a 22 year old male from Hospers, IA had made threatening comments on Facebook. The complainant reported that the suspect made the comment, “I want to shoot a bunch of people, my family and myself.”
Officers were immediately dispatched and two schools, located in Hospers, were put on lockdown. The two schools were: Spalding Catholic Elementary school (3rd and 4th grade students) and MOC Elementary (K-5th grade students). At 1:44 pm sheriff’s officers located the suspect walking near his home in Hospers. He was taken into custody without incident.
The suspect will be evaluated by medical personnel. The case remains under investigation and criminal charges are pending. The Iowa State Patrol assisted with the incident.
Hospers Woman Sentenced To Drug Court For Meth Possession
(Orange City) — A Hospers Woman has been ordered to complete drug court program for possessing methamphetamine with a third offense. 40 year old Pauline McDonald of Hospers was sentenced on Monday in Sioux County District Court. She was convicted of possessing methamphetamine on a third offense, a class D felony. The case arose on May 30, 2012 when a concerned citizen contacted the Sioux County Sheriff’s Office to express concerns that the defendant was using illegal drugs. Officers responded to McDonald’s residence and found methamphetamine and placed McDonald under arrest. Drug court is a special court given responsibility to handle cases involving substance-abusing offenders through comprehensive supervision, drug testing, treatment services and immediate sanctions and incentives. Drug court offers individuals facing criminal charges for drug use and possession the opportunity to enter a substance abuse recovery program in lieu of straight jail or prison time.
Granville Man Sentenced To 5 Years For Burglary
(Orange City) — Sioux County Attorney Coleman McAllister has announced that John Nelson, age 37 of Granville was sentenced on Monday in Sioux County District Court for the crimes of burglary in the third degree, a class D felony, and theft in the fifth degree, a simple misdemeanor. Nelson was sentenced to serve five years on the burglary charge and 15 days in jail for the theft charge.
Remsen Fire Department Responds To Trailer House Fire
(Remsen) — The Remsen Fire Department responded to a trailer house fire at the Beck Trailer Court on Monday afternoon. That call came in at about 3:15 p.m. Fire officials were able to quickly get the fire under control within a half hour, but they did make a return trip to the scene in order to help ventilate the house from the fire.
Plymouth County Supervisors Have Full Agenda
(Le Mars) — The Plymouth County Board of Supervisors have a full agenda for today’s meeting. It is expected the county governing board will approve an amendment agreement with the city of Le Mars for the Joint Urban Renewal project. The supervisors will also hear from the Compensation Board as they offer their county employee salary recommendations. The supervisors will hear a report from Dick Sievers of Mid-Sioux Opportunity as he delivers a budget request. County engineer, Tom Rohe will update the county supervisors on the various road projects, and the supervisors will be given an update from John McCurdy of JEO Consultants regarding the County Comprehensive Plan. County Conservation Director Dennis Sohl is also expected to appear before the board.
Historic Preservation Commission Wants To Celebrate Downtown Listing
(Le Mars) — The Le Mars Historic Preservation Commission wants to throw a party. The local organization wants to celebrate the listing of the Le Mars Downtown Commercial Historic District as it is now part of the National Register of Historic Places. The celebration will occur on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 on the second floor of the Blue Bunny Ice Cream Parlor between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.