Plymouth County Board Agenda for 1.22.13
Meeting Held in the Board Room on the 1st Floor of the Courthouse
9:30 AM Jim Henrich, 2013 Plymouth County Board Chairman
1. Call the Meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve this agenda (Action)
4. Approval of prior Board meeting minutes (Action)
5. Approval of claims and payroll (Signatures)
6. Committee Reports (Discussion)
7. Old Business
8. New Business
A. Set public hearing date/time for FY 13-14 County Budget (Action)
B. Review and approve County’s Semi Annual Report of Settlement of Funds (Action)
9. Open mail and open public forum (Informational)
9:55 AM 10. MH/DD Legislative Letter (Action)
10:00 AM Mike Van Otterloo, Sheriff – Review FY 2013-14 Law Enforcement Center, Communication Center and Sheriff Dept. budgets (Informational & possible action)
11:00 AM Beth Conley, Clean Line Energy – Update on project (Informational)
11:20 AM Cathy VanMaanen, CSAVD – Provide information and budget request for FY 13-14 (Informational)
11:40 AM Tom Rohe, Plymouth County Engineer
(Action Items)
1. Permit-MidAmerican Energy- Madison Ave Sec 4-92-45
(Discussion Items)
Questions/Discussion of the Secondary Road Department
(Informational Items)
Update on construction projects
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:00 PM Patrick Schmitz, Plains Area Mental Health – Present FY 2013-14 budget request of funds
1:15 PM Mike Vander Windt, Approval of Vander Windt Addition, Sec 7 Elgin Twp (Action)
1:20 PM Gary June, Emergency Management Director, Present EMA FY 13-14 budget (Action)
1:30 PM County Board of Supervisors
1. Review Secondary Road budget (Action)
2. Final budget discussion/decisions (Action)