Le Mars To Host “Red…White…and Blue Mud Run”
(Le Mars) — This coming summer, Le Mars will host an unique obstacle course for participants called the Red..White…and Blue Mud Run. The event is being sponsored by the Le Mars Police Association, Le Mars Fire and Rescue, Plymouth County Peace Officers Association, the Le Mars Ambulance Service and by the Plymouth County Dive and Rescue Team. Le Mars Police Officer Jay King describes the event.
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/February 2013/Jay King1.mp3{/audio}
King says the event may be new to Le Mars, but it is certainly not new to those who regularly participate in such obstacle runs.
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/February 2013/Jay King2.mp3{/audio}
Funds raised during the mud run will be split between the partnering sponsors. King says from the Police Association standpoint, the money will help send young people to camps. King says he fully expects participants to come from several miles and various large cities to participate in the mud run obstacle course.
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/February 2013/Jay King3.mp3{/audio}
The Le Mars Red…White…and Blue Mud Run is scheduled for Saturday, June 1st and will begin at 9:00 a.m. Interested participants can register online at All Sports Central and the registration fee is progressive starting at $50. For additional information about the mud run, you can contact the Le Mars Police Department.
Branstad Wants Iowa Education To Rank In Top 10 By 2019
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) – Gov. Terry Branstad wants Iowa to be in the top 10 states for student standardized reading and math scores by 2019.
Branstad laid out the goal during a news conference Monday, as he continued to push lawmakers to approve his $187 million education reform plan.
Arguing that the state needs “world class schools,” Branstad noted Iowa now ranks 25th in the nation for eighth grade math and 29th for fourth grade reading. He said he wants to get those scores
into the top 10 by boosting minimum teacher salaries and pay incentives to senior teachers who take on tasks like mentoring.
Lawmakers are reviewing Branstad’s proposal, but there has been some conflict with Democratic legislators who want to first set a general level of school funding.
Iowa State To Update Weather Stations
AMES, Iowa (AP) – Iowa State University is updating its statewide network of automatic weather reporting stations.
ISU Extension agronomist Elwynn Taylor says the updated stations will provide information on soil moisture and crop water consumption, letting farmers know the limits being placed on crop
yield “by water stress as the season progresses.”
The new stations are replacing units that have been in place for more than 30 years. The networked readings will be monitored on the Mesonet (https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/ ).
The new stations also will measure rain, air and soil temperature, humidity, sunlight, wind speed and direction. The units will be solar powered.
The goal is to have at least one station in every county.
Feedlot Operators Can Get Advice Regarding Drought
GERING, Neb. (AP) – Feedlot operators in Nebraska and Iowa can get advice this month from experts about dealing with high feed costs and drought.
The annual beef feedlot roundtables will be held February 19th through 21st in Gering, Holdrege and West Point. The events will be broadcast to locations in Iowa.
The sessions will focus on the latest in feedlot health, nutrition and economics. The event is sponsored by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, Iowa State University Extension and the
Nebraska Beef Council.
The presenters include a mix of university and industry experts who will offer tips on dealing with the current high feed prices and what alternatives exist.
Registration costs $30 ahead of time or $40 at the door. More details are available online at H T T P colon slash slash Panhandle DOT UNL DOT edu.