(Le Mars) — It won’t be long before many farmers will begin thinking of harvesting this year’s crops. However, as Joel DeJong, Iowa State University Extension crops specialists says, there are some late-season diseases that are affecting this year’s crop.
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{audio} images/stories/mp3/September 2014/DeJong1.mp3{/audio}
DeJong says another concern for farmers is the fact the corn is slow to mature.
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{audio} images/stories/mp3/September 2014/DeJong2.mp3{/audio}
Some farmers have reported having Goss’s Wilt, a corn disease that strikes corn in the late season and robs yields. DeJong says there are several similarities between Goss’s Wilt and Northern Corn Leaf Blight.
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{audio} images/stories/mp3/September 2014/DeJong3.mp3{/audio}
As for the soybean crop, De Jong says some of the earlier soybean varieties have begun turning color. He says for the most part northwest Iowa soybean fields have not been affected by diseases.
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/September 2014/DeJong4.mp3{/audio}
The crops specialist says it is still uncertain what type of yields will be produced with this year’s soybean crop.
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/September 2014/DeJong5.mp3{/audio}