(Le Mars) — This week marks National Agriculture Week with today slated as National Agriculture Day. The Le Mars Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee will again host its annual Agri-business luncheon at the Le Mars Convention Center on Tuesday. This year’s keynote luncheon speaker is Iowa
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig. Naig was raised on a livestock and crops farm near Emmetsburg. He says his address will reflect and look ahead on Iowa agriculture.
Naig says Iowa agriculture depends heavily on trade. This coming week both he, and Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey will be traveling to two separate foreign nations with the focus on Iowa agricultural commodities.
Naig says everyone should appreciate agriculture since it has a far-reach on the state’s economy.
The deputy agriculture secretary points to the state’s latest revenue estimation numbers and ties it to agriculture.
The day’s activities will begin at 9:30 a.m. with a Chamber coffee hosted by the Plymouth County Farm Bureau organization. Plymouth Energy’s C-E-O, Eamon Bryne is scheduled to address the gathering at 10:00 a.m. Also scheduled for today’s
activities will be the naming of the Chamber of Commerce’s “Outstanding Service to Agriculture” award.