Cone forms Le Mars public art

(LE MARS)–An art project for the Ice Cream Capitol of the World is taking shape–literally.


Patrick Keough  of Shelton, Nebraska, has created the six-foot tall fiberglass sculpture design that will be used as the form for the public art ice cream cone project in Le Mars. Keough owns the business America’s Fiberglass Animals.

According to Mary Reynolds of the Le Mars Area Chamber of Commerce Main Street Program, twenty-seven large ice cream cones will be placed throughout Le Mars after the fiberglass forms are painted by Siouxland artists.

Partners who are coordinating the public art ice cream cone project include the Le Mars Art Center, City of Le Mars Convention and Visitor’s Bureau; Young Professionals (HYPER); and the Le Mars Area Chamber of Commerce.

Project information is available from Reynolds at the chamber office. (Photo contributed courtesy Le Mars Area Chamber of Commerce/America’s Fiberglass Animals)