King and Vilsack Debate For Fourth Time At Orange City

(Orange City) — Republican Steve King and Democrat Christie Vilsack faced off in a fourth debate held last evening (Thursday) at Northwestern College in Orange City. The two sparred on issues relating to immigration, gun control, and even the farm bill.  Recent polls show a narrowing of the gap between Congressman Steve King and his challenger, Democrat Christie Vilsack, but King says he anticipated as much, and he says his campaign is still on track.
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/September 2012/King poll.mp3{/audio}

Following last evening’s debate, King says the differences between himself and Christie Vilsack are becoming more defined.  He says Vilsack is proving that she is nothing more than a liberal.

Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/September 2012/King poll2.mp3{/audio}

For her part, Christie Vilsack believes she won the debate, comparing it to a football game.
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/September 2012/CVilsack1.mp3{/audio}
Vilsack says the time allotted during a debate is often not enough time to fully explain her ideas, so she encourages voters to seek her website.
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/September 2012/CVilsack2.mp3{/audio}

Vilsack says if there is one issue that resonates the most with the people of the 4th District, it would be the farm bill.  She says there isn’t any other legislation more important than the farm bill, and she again is critical of King’s lack of leadership.
Listen to
{audio} images/stories/mp3/September 2012/CVilsack3.mp3{/audio}

The two Congressional candidates are scheduled to have four more debates, with one in Sioux City.