Timmerman Speaks to Kids at Optimist Rally

(Le Mars) — Former N-F-L football player, now farm equipment owner, Adam Timmerman of Cherokee spoke before nearly 600 4th, 5th, and 6th graders from both Le Mars Community and Gehlen Catholic schools during the Le Mars Optimist Club rally.  The rally was held at the Le Mars Community Middle School Auditorium.

Students were given their new T-shirt promoting to stay away from drugs and to “Just Say No.”  Timmerman, who played 12 years with the Green Bay Packers and the St. Louis Rams, told the group of students to use “positive” peer pressure and to look out for one another.

Timmerman used the analogy of a performance car with the students, saying that a performance car in order to operate at best efficiency needs good, clean fuel.  He said the same is true with our bodies, that we need good nutrition, and when drugs, alcohol or tobacco, is used then our bodies will not perform as well.  Timmerman and the local Optimist club distributed a color 5 x 7 photo of Timmerman while he played with the Packers.  On the reverse side is a biography of Timmerman.