(Le Mars) — The weather for the early December evening was nearly perfect, allowing for thousands of people to line up on Central Avenue to view the 17th Annual Le Mars Lighted Christmas parade. The parade had several floats to delight the crowd. One float in particular that appealed to the crowd was from Well’s Blue Bunny. Featured was a snowman that was made to look like giant scoops of vanilla ice cream, complete with a red scarf, the bottom of an ice cream cone to serve as his hat, and arms made from giant spoons. Also, on the float was a Christmas tree made to appear it contained giant scoops of ice cream with strawberry swirl, along with peppermint candies to serve as its decorations. At the back end of the float was a statue of Santa Claus, along with a clear dome that resembled an igloo. Inside the igloo were a bomb pop, ice cream sandwich, Champs ice cream cone, and a Popsicle that were constantly revolving. The Blue Bunny float also featured extra large Christmas packages all wrapped up and colorful with lights. The parade lasted nearly 45 minutes.
Following the parade, many of those same people ventured to the Plymouth County Fairgrounds to enjoy another Le Mars winter tradition, “Christmas at Pioneer Village”. A long line of people stood outside Century Hall waiting for their chance to go inside and view the 53 different Christmas trees decorated by various organizations, businesses, churches, and schools. While looking at the Christmas trees, goodies consisting of hot chocolate, chocolate and regular white milk, popcorn balls, popcorn, and a variety of different cookies were served to the people by the American Legion, Rotary Club, and the Lions Club. In addition, many people sat down to be entertained of the varied forms of Christmas music presented inside Century Hall. From harmonicas to pianos, and guitars to accordions, along with vocals, people listened to all types of music with Christmas being the common item with the music. The Plymouth County Pork Producers were serving ham sandwiches inside the Luxemborg Hall, and inside the Sportsman’s Club, hundreds of children patiently waited their turn to sit on Santa Claus’s lap and tell him their Christmas wishes, while their parents were busy taking photos of their youngster with the visitor from the North Pole. Outside the Sportsmen’s Club people were roasting marshmallows, and a clown was entertaining people.
Inside the famous Round Barn, nearly every square inch is decorated with ornaments, displays, lights, and inflatable Christmas themed exhibits. The buildings at Pioneer Village have colorful Christmas lights that outline each building. Several people enjoyed the evening at the fairgrounds by taking a ride in either a carriage or a wagon that was pulled by two draft horses. Christmas at Pioneer Village continues on Sunday evening, as well as next weekend. The hours for Christmas at Pioneer Village are from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.