Tax Free Weekend – Friday and Saturday

(Le Mars) — Parents of school aged children always look forward to this coming
weekend as a time the state of Iowa gives them a break for back-to-school expenses.
This Friday and Saturday, August 5th and 6th, is known as “Tax Free Weekend”.
State Representative Chuck Holz of Le Mars says several years ago, the state
legislature passed a bill allowing for the purchase of clothing and shoes, not to
be subject to sales tax.

Chuck Holz

Holz isn’t certain as to how much revenue the state forfeits from having the tax
free weekend, but estimates it could be in the millions of dollars. He believes it
is a good idea for the state. Iowa is one of only 17 states to offer a tax free
weekend for the purchase of clothing and shoes. The Iowa Department of Revenue
says only wearable clothing and shoes are eligible for the tax free weekend. It
does not include watches, jewelry, umbrellas, handkerchiefs, sporting equipment or
other recreational equipment, or footwear designed primarily for athletic acivity
or protective use and not usually considered appropriate for everyday wear. Holz
says the tax free weekend is only for Friday and Saturday. Sunday sales are not a
part of the tax free weekend. Holz says no one item can cost more than $100.