4th Graders Enjoy “May Day” Field Trip To Museum

(Le Mars) — The Plymouth County Historical Museum is hosting 320 fourth grade students from all the elementary schools of Plymouth County during it annual “May Day” celebration being held today. For many of the students, this marks their first-time visit to the local historical museum. While at the museum,
students were living history, by trying their hand at milking a cow statue, donning on kerchiefs and bonnets and stepping back in time to the 1880’s, learning about an airplane manufacturing company that was once based in Le Mars, and even learning more about their family tree through genealogy. This is an
annual event sponsored by the museum, and many of the students were wide-eyed with amazement from looking at the interesting various types of artifacts. At one station held in the Old Central gymnasium, students were even taught the
traditional “May Day” dance using a May pole with ribbons and streamers.  The students even had the opportunity to enjoy root beer floats in the replica of Miller’s Cafe.

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