Constituents Visit With State Representative Jeneary During Town Hall Meetings

(Le Mars) — State Representative Dr. Tom Jeneary, a Republican from Le Mars, held town hall meetings at Akron and Le Mars on Saturday.  Although only a few people attended the town hall Akron meeting, Jeneary says he was able to obtain some valuable information from those people that did attend the town hall meeting.  The folks that attended the Akron town hall meeting inquired about school funding, and methods of teaching in schools, as well as state taxes, property taxes, and retirement taxes.

Akron civic leaders also visited with Representative Jeneary about some economic development projects slated for Akron that includes the renovation of the Akron Opera house, a recreational trail, and a new aquatic and swimming park.

Jeneary says he visited with Akron city officials about what the future may hold for the Old Akron Opera House.

A dozen people attended the Le Mars town hall meeting held at Floyd Valley Healthcare.  Topics of discussion focused on education funding, income and property taxes were all discussed.  Le Mars town hall had people concerned with too many and burdensome regulations, business tax credits, electric vehicles and renewable fuels, SNAP (food stamp) program, traffic safety of Highway 75 approaching Merrill, Medicare and Medicaid, as well as carbon sequestration and the proposed pipelines.  Jeneary commented to KLEM news that holding such town hall meeting is beneficial for him knowing what topics are on the minds of his constituency.

The Le Mars town hall meeting was represented in part by school administration officials, farmers, healthcare officials, Congressional staff, and others.