July/August Employees of the Month

The Le Mars Area Chamber of Commerce Employees of the Month”

Top: July Employee of the Month Samantha Frias, Life Skills Training Center

Bottom: August Employee of the Month Angela Penne, Primebank.

Samantha was nominated by Melisa Coffee-Gengler, who writes:  Samantha is the employment services specialist at Life Skills Training Center.  She ensures qualified candidates are matched with roles that suit their skills and experience … Samantha daily assist all staff to ensure collaboration amongst departments and facilities … Her enjoyment of assisting everyone, whether it be learning a new skills or getting caught up with tasks is done each day with a smile on her face.

Angela Penne was nominated by her supervisor, Josh Kovarna, who writes: Angie started her career with Primebank 20 years ago as a secretary in the loan department.  Since then, Angie has grown into a seasoned loan processor and bank officer. … Angie also serves as a supervisor in her area and has been  a steadfast volunteer for the bank’s numerous community activities.

Congratulations, Samantha and Angela!