Mother Tells Of Young Son’s Heart Failure During Floyd Valley Luncheon

(Le Mars) — A Mom shared the story of her son’s “Broken Heart” during the Floyd Valley Healthcare Mother’s Day luncheon held Friday at noon. Andrea Crew of Spencer was the featured speaker.  She informed the gathering at the Willow Creek Golf Club that her son, Austin, suffered from heart failure following a Spencer Tiger vs. Storm Lake Tornado football game at Storm Lake.

Young Austin Crew was quickly transported to the Buena Vista Regional Medical Center in Storm Lake where medical personnel were able to stabilize his condition. He, then was airlifted to a Sioux Falls hospital. Crew says her son still wasn’t doing well, so doctors decided to airlift him again, but this time to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics at Iowa City.

Crew says her son has to take medication daily, and medical personnel are constantly monitoring his progress and condition, but the teenager has returned to live an active lifestyle.

Crew has now become an advocate of C-P-R training, and encourages all to learn C-P-R. She spoke of a message of retaining hope and faith during the luncheon.

The mother of the now 18-year old, says both she and her son, have grown as a result of the heart failure incident.

The mother of four, says her eldest son refers to his condition as having a “broken heart,” and often wonders why the heart disease had to happen to him.