Good Samaritan Society Distributes Carbon Monoxide Detectors To Senior Citizens

(Le Mars) — Volunteers representing the Good Samaritan Society of Le Mars were distributing 50 carbon monoxide detectors to senior citizens throughout the community Saturday morning.  Karen Mousel, the administrator with Good Samaritan, says Founder’s Day is a way to help prolong a senior citizen’s time living in their home.  This year, carbon monoxide detectors were given to the seniors as a way for the Good Samaritan Society to recognize its “Founder’s Day.” One of the
volunteers was Nancy Isebrand of Le Mars, who has a personal reason for handing out carbon monoxide detectors.

Carbon monoxide can prove to be deadly.  It is odorless and colorless, and often is referred to as the “silent killer.”  Isebrand is pleased to volunteer and to participate in the carbon monoxide distribution program.

This is the second year the Good Samaritan Society has distributed carbon monoxide detectors to senior citizens.  Isebrand says a year ago, the seniors
were grateful to receive the free carbon monoxide detector.

Isebrand says several people she knows have purchased carbon monoxide detectors and have installed them in their homes after hearing her story.  She offers some advice relating to carbon monoxide detectors.

Students from both Le Mars Community and Gehlen Catholic, as well as several other volunteers were on hand to help distribute, and if necessary, install the carbon monoxide detectors for senior citizens.