(Le Mars) — Several thousand people took the opportunity to tour the Perry Creek Dairy farm Wednesday as it hosted an open house. Lt. Governor Adam Gregg was on hand to read a proclamation that was signed by Governor Kim Reynolds, acknowledging the importance of the dairy industry to the state’s
Following the reading of the proclamation, Lt. Governor Gregg answered questions from the news media, then took a tour of the dairy farm facilities.
Lt. Governor Gregg reiterated the importance of the dairy industry to the state’s economy.
Brad Feuerhelm answers questions from Iowa Lt. Governor Adam Gregg.
Gregg says events such as the Perry Creek Dairy open house are important to educate consumers as to the origin of their food.
Lt. Governor Adam Gregg, second from left, tours the Perry Creek Dairy Farm on Wednesday during the June Dairy Month open house. Walking with the Lt. Governor are Mitch Schulte, far left, with Midwest Dairy Association, Scott Thoms, center right, and Scott Feuerhelm far right both with Perry Creek Dairy Farm.
The Lt. Governor says open house events like the one held Wednesday show consumers not only the origin of their food, but it also displays the humane care taken by producers for their dairy herds. Gregg calls it a smart move by Western Iowa Dairy Alliance and the Feuerhelm family to show the public what happens at the farms.
Gregg toured the farm and says he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to enjoy some soft-serve ice cream.