Plymouth County Identified As A “High Five” County

Serious accidents like the one pictured that happened in Plymouth County are getting the attention of the Governor’s Safety Traffic Bureau and placed Plymouth County on the “High Five” program.

(Le Mars) — If it seems to you that Plymouth County has had more than its fair share of vehicle accidents, resulting in either serious and/or critical injuries, or even fatalties, you would be correct with your assumption.  The number of accidents reported in Plymouth County has also caught the attention of state officials with the Governor’s Safety Traffic Bureau, which is why Plymouth County is listed as a “High Five” county.  Iowa State Patrol trooper, John Farley explains why Plymouth County is now listed on the state’s “high five.”

Farley says since Plymouth County has been identified as a “High Five” county, ultimately it will mean additional patrolling of the county’s roads and highways.

The Iowa State Patrol trooper says in addition to a step up of enforcement activity, there will be several educational and informative programs associated with the “high five” program.

Farley says in addition to watching for impaired drivers, the High Five program will also focus on distracted driving, primarily those drivers that are texting while driving, and it will look at those drivers who are speeding.

The other Iowa counties that have been identified in the High Five program include: Carroll, Marshall, Benton, and Muscatine.