(LE MARS)–Thoughts of thanks, respect, and a change of the chief’s coat and helmet were exchanged at a reception for retiring Le Mars Fire Chief Wayne Schipper Thursday afternoon.
Schipper is retiring after 27 years as chief, being the city’s first fulltime chief and 43 years as a fire fighter.
Le Mars Mayor Dick Kirchoff said it was evident that Schipper has had a deep love and passion for the fire service industry and the community’s citizens and businesses as well as fire departments of the area.
There was also applause for Schipper’s wife, Marlene, as city administrator Scott Langel noted the demands of being a working fire chief.
Police Chief Stuart Dekkenga presented a plaque of appreciation from the city’s law enforcement.
Le Mars E-M-S Director Bill Rosacker thanked Schipper for his dedication and the dedication Schipper has instilled in fire fighters who area also emergency responders.
Schipper thanked the community, including citizens and businesses, city staff, city council, law enforcement and his family.
The city hosted the Le Mars Area Chamber of Commerce “After 5” to honor Schipper. David Schipper of Spencer is the city’s new fire chief. He is the son of the retiring chief and his wife, Marlene.