(Le Mars) — With the cooler temperatures that we have been experiencing, many farmers are wondering if that may mean an early frost is likely this year. If frost were to come early, would our crops have reached maturity so yields won’t be compromised? Joel DeJong, Iowa State University Extension Crops Specialist for northwest Iowa details how much more time the corn crop needs in order to become fully mature.
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DeJong says if temperatures remain cooler than normal for a significant time period, that could further slow down the maturity development process. He says the closer to the maturity date before frost hits, the less likelihood for yield loss.
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{audio} images/stories/mp3/August 2014/DeJong crop maturity2.mp3{/audio}
The crops specialist says the corn crop is falling behind on growing degree days.
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{audio} images/stories/mp3/August 2014/DeJong crop maturity3.mp3{/audio}