(Le Mars) — 32 people from the Le Mars area left on Ash Wednesday with the destination of Honduras. It’s all part of what is titled: “Project Paul” in honor of Paul Langel, who passed away in September of 2015. Father Kevin Richter of the All Saints Parish, will be one of those volunteers traveling to the Central American nation. He says friends and family are traveling to Honduras to fulfill Paul Langel’s dream and legacy by building
four homes.
Richter says the group will be in Honduras for a week. He says Paul Langel was one of the first people to participate on the Honduras Missionary trips, many years ago.
Father Richter says there are several references in the Bible about carpenters and carpentry, including Jesus Christ who started as a carpenter. Richter says the jobs will provide spiritual fulfillment.
Each of the participants were fitted with a green t-shirt with the lettering “Nailed It” calling attention to the “Project Paul” housing construction program. The participants were presented with a cross made with nails from the old St. Joseph Church along with a personalized hammer with their name inscribed. In a
send-off ceremony that followed the noon Mass at St. James Church, Father Richter blessed the hammers, and the people who will be using them. The Catholic priest talks about the homes that will be built, and will serve as shelter for four
needed families.
Richter says the area of Honduras for “Project Paul” is familiar territory to many who have previously traveled to the poverty-stricken nation. It is the same region that receives the packaged meals “Then Feed Just One”, and the Gehlen-Honduras missionaries. Richter says the coordination of the trip is being handled by Richard Sievers and his brother, Francis, who also assist with the Gehlen- Honduras missions. Richter says he doesn’t foresee any problems with the construction and completion of the four designated homes that are to be built.
Richter says the organized trip is a fitting way and a nice tribute to Paul’s life.