Sioux County Sheriff’s Office Ask Farmers To Delay Harvest

(Orange City) — The Sioux County Sheriff’s Office is requesting farmers to delay harvesting for a few days at least until the strong winds reside, on fears that the harvest activity may prompt field fires. On Tuesday, Sioux County fire departments responded to a number of grass and field fires which
had stretched the various fire department’s resources thin at times. The National Weather Services has issued a “red flag” warning saying that conditions are favorable for fires to occur with the dry conditions and strong winds. Nate Huizenga is the Chief Deputy with the Sioux County Sheriff’s Office and explains the reasons for the request.

Huizenga talks about the two fires that happened on Tuesday that ended up burning several acres of cropland and came close to destroying some property buildings.

The Sheriff’s deputy reminds people that Sioux County is under a burn ban.
He says many farmers are following the request issued by the Sheriff’s office and are delaying their harvest.

Huizenga says the sheriff’s office is also asking farmers to have a tractor with tillage equipment on stand-bye, in case it is needed to assist with extinguishing a field fire. He says for Tuesday’s fires, at least ten different farmers had assisted firefighters.